Aww Kim-Rae, thank you for sharing this. Your feedback touched me and what I wanted to say to you, loud and proud is this: you are amazing and powerful. Eleven humans, created and birthed by your body. Grant yourself the grace and admiration I feel for you! I know the feedback from your partner can’t help but permeate your sense of self, but take my opinion in as well — we are here to change and to grow and to evolve, mind, body, and soul. Your body doesn’t look like a 20 year old’s, but neither does your heart or soul. We change as we age, and I for one am here for it. I wouldn’t go back to being 20 for anything. I wish you liberation from that crappy feedback and I wish growth and maturity for the man who felt like it was ok to say those things to you. So many hugs coming your way from me!